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New on the Horizon

Bennett Valley Telecom is all about the Grandstream family of products. We are very excited about what will be coming soon!

Playing Hooky

A little under-the-weather today. I will be working remotely. And as always, you may dial 707-573-7272 and select “Where’s Brian?” 

Happy Friday!


Power outages at English Hill Tower. For some reason the industrial grade generator did not kick in. I will update as this story unfolds.

Big day at Napa

A project that is so cool I dare not tell you what it is.
Wish me luck. 🙂

Tower Down

Mountain top @ Hwy 116 and Hwy 1, Jenner.
It’s wind, solar, and batteries.
Very perplexing.
I’ll report back.

Brian Brown – Bennett Valley Telecom – 725 Farmers Lane, Ste 17 – Santa Rosa, CA 95405 – (707) 573-7272

25 #AI Trends to monitor in 2025. If you have not heard of "AI Agents" they will be very important moving forward. I am looking to set them up for several things. Including a #DigiByte core update Agent that does heavy lifting for $DGB code maintenance.

As I provide internet service to patrons and vendors here at the fisherman's festival, I thought I would settle down on one of these nice bales of hay and have some hot soup 🤣

Pre- WW3 shopping trip ✅. All gas tanks filled✅. Absolutely amazed to see how oblivious people are right now to whats happening. Just wait until the COVD era TP run starts again. 🤣🤣🤣

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